Rising Sign
Rising Sign Scorpio

Ascendant in Scorpio will stubbornly pursue goals as long as he believes that there is any chance of success. It is difficult to convince him to change his opinion once it is convinced of something.
Sometimes (rarely though) Scorpio Ascendant has that personality that literature has linked the mysterious Scorpio to.
Natives of Scorpio Ascendant are ambitious, energetic and looking for rewarding activities, but also offering intellectual challenges.
Many people with this ascendant tend to create stronger relationships with people.
Scorpio Ascendant has strength and a remarkable resilience that allows him to recover from physical, mental or economic problems that would destroy others.
Sometimes (rarely though) Scorpio Ascendant has that personality that literature has linked the mysterious Scorpio to.
Natives of Scorpio Ascendant are ambitious, energetic and looking for rewarding activities, but also offering intellectual challenges.
Many people with this ascendant tend to create stronger relationships with people.
Scorpio Ascendant has strength and a remarkable resilience that allows him to recover from physical, mental or economic problems that would destroy others.